
Piotr Kurek "World Speaks" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Edicoes Cn

2022年1月にリリースされたLP版は瞬殺完売、既にこちらのCD版も廃盤間近。様々な電子機器やシンセサイザーを型破りな手法にて操るワルシャワ拠点の作曲家/マルチ楽器プレイヤーPiotr Kurek。Cronica、Digitalis Limited、Hands In The Darkにも諸作を残している人物であり、今回の作品はLieven Martens主催の人気レーベルEdicoes Cnから。アメリカの画家トマス・コールの風景画に触発されたという音源で、オルガンの瞑想的メロディーに気持ちの良いボーカルシーケンスを重ねたユニーク且つクラシカルな全7曲。コントロールにはMIDIも使われているらしくその変則的な動きも面白い。

“I saw an old photo of a group of people standing in a circle, facing each other. I imagined they were singing but I’m not sure about it … I guess it was just a gathering or some kind of dance choreography near the rocky seashore.”

World Speaks is the new album by Piotr Kurek.
A collection of seven vivid paintings. Processed voices, fine reed solos, while an organist performs a meditative melody (?)

Hints of a human presence, but World Speaks sounds uninhabited. Instead we enter a glassy reality where the simulation is at play. And where nothing seems what it is: are we witness to the choreography – or the rocky seashore?

“At that time I was playing with various vocal banks I’ve made on Kontakt with some exaggerated modulation bends and tried to mimic the feeling of the memory of the picture with some vocal sequences played on the MIDI keyboard.”

Clouds slowly creeping trough the hills. The trees damp green. A few
whitewashed houses …

“Since a few years I have these Thomas Cole paintings as my laptop’s desktop wallpaper. And I absolutely love them. I’m pretty sure that something from that landscapes must have soaked into this material. A few titles here actually refer to works of Thomas Cole.”


Piotr Kurek (°1978) is a Warsaw based composer and multi-instrumentalist. Through his unconventional use of various electronic instruments and synthesisers he cultures hypnotic worlds drenched in peculiar arrangements.