
Henning Christiansen "to look inside music" [2CD]

価格: 3,267円(税込)


Label: The Henning Christiansen Archive

激高内容の2022年アーカイヴ2CD作!!デンマークを代表する前衛コンポーザーにして、ヨーゼフ・ボイスやナム・ジュン・パイクとも絡んだフルクサスの重要アーティストであるヘニング・クリスチャンセン。ドイツPenultimate Pressが手掛ける一連のアーカイヴシリーズの一つとして発表された、今回が初出となる氏の古典作品を纏めたコレクション・ワークス!!これまでフォーカスされなかった様々なスタイルのアプローチを纏めたもので、1963年から1988年までに書かれた7つの楽曲を収録。オペラ歌手とストリングスによるドラマティックな楽曲、サウンドドラック、パフォーマンス用に書いた楽曲、そしてテープ音楽と、兎に角その表現力の広さには凄まじいものがあり、まさに作曲家として最前線に居た事を改めて認識させられます。マスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasiが担当。マスト。



Comes in a lovely gatefold digi pack with booklet and a new essay by Ben Harper.

The Henning Christiansen Archive is proud to present a collection of previously unreleased ‘classical works’ by Henning Christiansen, a large part of his oeuvre which has remained out of sight, until now. This 2CD compilation encompasses a variety of stylistic approaches written in the years from 1963 to 1988.

“This collection gathers music by Christiansen targeted on (in one sense or another) the concert hall. All the recordings presented here are previously unreleased. The majority of publicly available Christiansen recordings have focused on music related to dramatic works, soundtrack works, music made for and within artist performance and tape music. This time, Christiansen as composer is truly at the forefront. His voice is always recognisable even as his expressive range is surprisingly broad; his approach ranges from the conventional to the radical. Any niggling concert-hall questions about craft are settled, yet at the same time he continues to question the role of form and genre in music”. From the liner notes written by Ben Harper