
Michael Pisaro-Liu "Mind Is Moving (IX)" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Inexhaustible Editions

主に沈黙を使う長編作で知られ、大規模アンサンブルや抽象フィールドレコーディング、そしてジョン・ケージ、クリスチャン・ウォルフ、ジェームズ・テニーら巨匠勢の作品演奏も行うヴァンデルヴァイザー派の重要コンポーザーMichael Pisaro。本作はあらゆる方に激激オススメしたい、スロベニアの若きギタリストPrimoz Sukicが一人で演奏を担当した点描録音長編[Mind Is Moving (IX)]。エレキギターの為に書かれた2011年の作品であり、ギター以外にラジオ、石も使った約44分1曲の編成。静寂を挟みながらラジオノイズ、ギターの断片、カサコソ音をポツポツと投下していく侘び寂びすら漂わせる名演です。

American Wandelweiser composer Michael Pisaro-Liu (1961) is known for pieces of long duration with periods of silence. In the past twenty years his work has branched out in many directions, including work with field recording, electronics, improvisation and large ensembles of very different kinds of instrumental constitution. He has performed many of his own works and those of close associates Antoine Beuger, Jürg Frey, Manfred Werder and Kunsu Shim; and works from the experimental tradition, especially John Cage, Christian Wolff and James Tenney. / wandelweiser.de/pisaro

Slovenian guitarist Primož Sukič (1986) studied at the Academy Of Music in Ljubljana, at Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt, and at the HoGent Conservatory where he specialized in contemporary performance practice with the ICTUS Ensemble from Brussels. As a performer his main interests are exploring and widening the possibilities of his instruments: both the classical and electric guitar. He is the founding member of the Brussels-based duo The Third Guy, which is constantly researching borders between composition and improvisation. He is highly interested in studying cooking recipes from all over the world, and following latest scientific discoveries in space exploration.