
Peter Ablinger "An den Mond" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Inexhaustible Editions

Wandelweiser派でありながら雨音を使ったサウンドアート的アプローチや、ストリングスのみを使った恐ろしい多重録音など様々な楽曲に挑戦し続けるオーストリアの作曲家Peter Ablinger。ブルガリアの女性ヴァイオリニストBiliana Voutchkovaと共同で制作した2021年9月リリースのタイトル[An Den Mond]。声、ヴァイオリン、古いツィターを使い最大31(!!)のレイヤーを重ねたという凄まじい厚みの多層ドローン作品で、倍音構造を狂った様に操作し続けるPeter Ablingerの熱量には脱帽。ハードコア且つ非常に洗練された一枚です。スロベニアInexhaustible Editionsからの出版作。

The composition “An den Mond / To the Moon” consists of 16 short items, magic spells, for voice and violin, most of them layered (up to 31 layers; and in item 9 also an old zither plays a role).

Peter Ablinger

It was winter in Berlin, in the midst of the dark days of the Covid pandemic, a period of intense lockdown. Globally, we were learning how to adapt, to remain flexible, how to preserve our health and spirits. Laszlo and I were in touch regarding something unrelated to this release when he mentioned Peter Ablinger. He knew that we had worked together on multiple occasions, and asked me “…by any chance, do you have anything recorded from the time you were playing the music of Peter Ablinger? I would be extremely interested…” Such perfect timing, as Peter and I had been considering a new collaboration, the creation of a solo piece, this time for violin and voice. I visited him in his studio and, quite naturally, we confirmed our mutual interest to start the work and plan the recording of the new composition in April. We reserved the entire month for us, and Peter prepared this amazing self-made recording booth where, without my knowing it, I was going to be playing and chanting magic spells. By the end of March, the microphones and accompanying equipment were in place and we looked forward to beginning the process. Just a few days before our first meeting, I fell ill. Being conscious of avoiding contact was a must, so sadly, I had to postpone our beginning. Covid thoughts were in the air, and although I wasn’t diagnosed with the virus, it was clear we’d have to wait. Soon after, my son contracted the disease, fortunately, in a light form. Two weeks passed slowly by, half of our designated working time. It was an insular period of care, reflection, acceptance, of longing to reach the other side. And finally, with the illness behind, we began the long awaited process of creation. Peter surprised me with the idea of chanting his realtime, improvised, magic spells. Each day on arrival, he would write them on small scraps of paper. We’d exchange ideas and suggestions, prior to my peacefully playing and chanting for hours in the recording booth. This sequence of short pieces was completed on the day of the so-called “super moon” and, as it has been from the very beginning, clearly we were in symbiosis with a form of intuited universal order. The name of the completed piece, suggested by Peter, came easily to him. I had nothing more to add but smile and embrace “An den Mond” – magic spells for a healthier life.

Biliana Voutchkova

Peter Ablinger (1959) belongs to the group of contemporary composers who are always searching for the new and unusual in their work and do not understand music as an insular system. Born in Schwanenstadt in Upper Austria, he first attended a school for higher technical education in Linz before he decided to study jazz piano in Graz. A central component of the work of Ablinger, who has been working since 1992 at various universities and institutes as a visiting lecturer-professor, is formed by 'investigation of basic conditions of listening'. Currently he lives in Berlin. / ablinger.mur.at

​Violinist Biliana Voutchkova (1972) is a devoted interdisciplinary performer, composer, improviser and curator. Her constant creative research spans the widest possible range of sound, movement and vision. Her extended sonic, technical and physical capacities evolved into the development of a highly individual artistic language. Based between Berlin and her rural residency on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, she works internationally as a soloist, in group and collaborative settings, and with renowned ensembles such as Ensemble Modern or Zeitkratzer. / bilianavoutchkova.net