
JD Emmanuel "Wizards" [Cassette]

価格: 1,617円(税込)


Label: Important Records

テキサス出身のシンセサイザー・ミュージシャンであり、多くの秀逸な瞑想ミニマル作を出版してきた大ベテランJ D Emmanuel。その昔、当店にてデッドストック・カセットを紹介した事がある、80年代初頭から中期に発表されたカセット作品の内の一つ[Wizards]が初のカセットフォーマット再発!!周期的なポリリズムから生まれる独特の催眠感覚は時代性を感じさせない素晴らしさがあります。

Fans of deep, dark, minimal & meditative new age music on cassette will be chuffed to learn that IMPREC is reissuing three of J D Emmanuel's earliest releases on tape. Rain Forest Music (1981), Wizards (1982) and Trance Formations 1: Ancient Minimal Meditations (1986) are all available for the first time in many years...

"If you have been wondering what all the fuss about 'private press new age' is, go here to find out. Your mind shall be subtly blown...." ~ Fader

"Wizards was my first deep trance electronic music album. This album was inspired by Terry Riley , one of the earliest people ever to compose and perform long, extended, cyclic pieces in the electronic format. This music was composed and performed in '81 and '82.

"I consider this album my best work.

"The instrumentation is three Sequential Circuits PRO-1s, Crumar Traveler One and a Yamaha SK-20, all real time recording to a Teac 4-track reel-to-reel. I mixed the four tracks to a Teac A-7300 Master 2-Track tape recorder using a DeltaLab DL-2 to create the delay track. In 2006, I used a Tascam 34B 4-track to remaster all my master tapes to digital master of 196 KHz/24 bit .WAV files using Soundforge 8 software.

"The original Wizards LP was published in the Summer of 1982 with the black and white cover. The initial tracks had not names and were call Movements I-V. Several years later sales had slowed down, in an effort to improve sales we tried the color cover and I created names for each track, as shown on the samples." ~ J.D. Emmanuel