
Ulrich Blume "Ground Your Ears, Collage Abstracte" [2CD-R]

価格: 2,717円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone CP 265

既に版元完売の模様。知られざるドイツのDIYエレクトロニック・ミュージシャンUlrich Blume。共に自身のプライベートレーベルAcoustotroneより発表した、1985年1stアルバム[Ground Your Ears!]、4thアルバム[Collage Abstracte]、激レア音源2種を纏めたCreel Pone編集版が登場!!初期ジャーマンエレクトロニクスの構造を取り入れ自由なホームレコーディングとして提示した一枚であり、終始ミステリアスなアンビエント感が纏わり付く妙なテクスチャーが魅力の一枚。コンラッド・シュニッツラー、ノイ! 、またピエール・アンリ、シュトックハウゼン、クセナキスからの影響も伺えるカルト名作。マスト。

Here's an interesting proposition (especially when the C.P. P.T.B. have been scouring the globe for this exact sort of thing for 16 years now): a somehow hitherto unknown "Private Press" LP released in Germany ca. 1983 covering Ulrich Blüme's "Impulsive Music Electronical Created" ("IMEC", for short), incorporating structures from a decidedly first-gen post-Berlin-School approach with aspects of nascent home-recording freedom(s) and (most attractively) a wannabe/pseudo-academic flair that has C.P. written all over it (there's even a fine bit of motorik blurt that belies its origins in the off-world tape-trader proto-social networks of the early 1980s, which is also extremely appealing!) Shades of Raicevic-ian glorp galore, esp. in the hand-played feeling figures and general wander-about synthesis & application of seemingly every time-based effect, in sequence...

This precious gem, with its black-and-white paste-on aesthetics perfectly preserved in its own clear CPP "vitrine", is aided & abetted by the 2nd Acoustrone outing (ACT 002 UB) from a few years, continuing cleanly, chronologically-speaking, covering five pieces from just after"Ground", all of which come across as more aesthetic & experimental, pushing for a perceived "Kunst-Ton" feel which is not without its merits. Both albums are represented on a single 6-panel booklet, with a reproduction of the "Promotional" insert included w/ the initial copies of "Ground".