
Tasos Stamou "Monoliths" [2CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Moving Furniture Records

民族音楽、ミニマル/ドローンファンにまでリーチする高内容!!楽器ビルダーであり、その特殊な自作楽器を使い様々なソロ活動を展開、また即興演奏を古いギリシャの伝統音楽に落とし込む異質のフォークミュージック・プロジェクト"Aman!!!"としても動くギリシャの奇才Tasos Stamou。氏の活動において重要なライブパフォーマンスとスタジオワークの音源をミックスし作り上げた全5曲の2枚組長編作[Monoliths]。恐らくここまでプリミティブに纏めるのは初(?)と思われる土俗性の強い一枚であり、反復と持続音をベースとしたシンプルな演奏構造が非常に気持ち良い。限定200セット。

The occasion of this double album is to present the two different practices in my music, live performance and studio work.
Although phenomenally coming from a different place, it is a result of years of experimentations to bring a simple yet complete electroacoustic set up both on stage and in studio. The original idea was to compose or perform with acoustic instruments generating sustained sounds in a way that, although electronically manipulated, would retain all the organic and sensual qualities of traditional organized sound making devices, often called “instruments”.

This release overall is presenting my most recent attempts to collide these two sides of music production and to deliver a sonic journey to my personal engagement with sustained music. ‘Moving Furniture Records’ has been my platform to release this sort of music since the beginning of this journey.
While studying the art of prolonging a sound for long enough to physically affects the listener, yet complicated and narrative enough to stimulate the mind too, these exploratory sounds are inspired by the acoustic instruments’ sonic qualities, always under the influence of the distorting mirror/ magnifying glass effects of electronic manipulation.

-- Tasos Stamou --