
Gino Marinuzzi Jr. "Musica Ed Elettronica, Muraglie Di Ghiaccio, Figure Geometriche" [CD-R]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone CP 245

著名なコンダクターを父に持ち自身は主に映画音楽を手掛けたイタリアの作曲家Gino Marinuzzi Jr.。氏の音源の中でも素晴らしいサウンドデザインを聴く事が出来る1968年作[Muraglie Di Ghiaccio - Figure Geometriche]、1971年作[Musica Ed Elettronica]、2つの名作を纏めたCreel Poneによる編集版。当時のエレクトロニクスを駆使したクールなコンポジションで仕上げられており、完全にナイトメアなSFテイストのものから風が吹きすさぶサウンドスケープ、更には硬質なインダストリアル調までと、幅の広い作風が非常に面白い。

Marinuzzi was an American-Italian Composer of, mostly, lyrical film music, although he famously scored Mario Bava's impeccably costumed 1965 epic "Terrore Nello Spazio" (aka "Planet of the Vampires", itself becoming something of a classic in the Early Electronic Sci-Fi Soundtrack canon alongside "The Day The Earth Stood Still" & "Forbidden Planet") featuring some very deep & wonderful Syn-Ket work by the instrument's namesake, Paolo Ketoff.

It's presumably with the same machine that Marinuzzi created the auspicious sound designs that were later compiled into the 1971 "Musica Ed Elettronica" library (which appears alongside Il Gruppo member Egisto Macchi's "Città Notte", Bruno Nicolai's recently-reissued "Marquis De Sade's" & Oronzo "Rino" de Filippi's "Nel Mondo Del Lavoro" on Sermi Film Edizioni Musicali's legendary "SR Records" series as #SP 131) which breaks cleanly from the lineage of late-60s Italian Moog-discovery works by Umiliani & Boneschi et.al.

Added at the tail-end of the single-disc (as why not) is Marinuzzi's other SR title, "Muraglie Di Ghiaccio, Figure Geometriche" from 1968 (SP 111) featuring a more linear application of motif & harmony, with brief flourishes of more outré tendencies...