
Phill Niblock "NuDaf" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: XI Records - XI145

深遠な響きのロングフォーム・ドローンで知られるNYアヴァン持続音の大家Phill Niblockの2021年新作ソロ!!なんと今までにリリースてきた作品群の中でも2番目に長いという長大な作品で、演奏は木管楽器バスーンの女性プレイヤーDafne Vicente-Sandovalが担当。敢えて通常よりも少ないトラック数で構築、それにより独特の透明なテクスチャーを生み出すという絞り込んだ手法がとられており、65分感ノンストップで続く倍音の移り変わりの中には声楽やストリングスの重奏など、様々なサウンドイメージが発見できます。老舗XI Recordsからの出版作。

A 65-minute electroacoustic composition featuring Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, bassoon. NuDaf (2020) is the second longest piece in Phill Niblock's repertoire of recorded audio works. NuDaf is a departure from his previous pieces in that he makes extensive use of multiphonics and constructed the work with fewer tracks than usual, creating uniquely transparent and ephemeral textures. The piece is the result of a collaboration between Niblock and the stellar bassoonist Dafne Vicente-Sandoval. Her musicality and breadth of knowledge, extended bassoon performance, and uncanny timing inspired the piece. This is the first of three collaborative projects between XI Records and Akoh Media. Akoh initiated the project, suggesting that Phill confront a longer form that also seemed eminently suitable to Dafne Vicente-Sandoval's interests. Akoh, as is its tradition, presents the work in a limited numbered edition of a one-of-a-kind Petri dish that incorporates Niblock's photos in an exquisite and unique design. From the liner notes by Michael Pisaro-Liu: "... over the course of the long duration of NuDaf we listen to a slow-motion explosion that frees it, creating a spectacular shape, right before our ears."