
John Krausbauer & David Kendall "PDRM" [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Sounds et al - ETAL008CD

ミニマル・ミュージックの追求を行う大推薦の作曲家John KrausbauerがDavid Kendallと共に発表したデュオ音源!!エレキギターの3弦を使った擦弦演奏をリアルタイムでディレイ処理、そこから生まれる粒の動きとポリリズムのビートが極太持続音となって押し寄せる25分間。キャサリン・クリスター・ヘニックスやヘンリー・フリントら巨匠勢の楽曲を思わせる非常に強度のある録音内容です。


The new album from composers John Krausbauer and David Kendall, PDRM will be released both digitally and on CD. To support the release, Krausbauer is touring North America, Japan and Mexico throughout 2018 alongside music composer and instrument builder Kaori Suzuki.

The release features a single extended composition, PDRM, evoking artists such as CC Hennix, Henry Flynt and Kevin Doria. PDRM has been mastered by Timothy Stollenwerk (Golden Retriever, Samson Stilwell, Kaori Suzuki).

“PDRM is constructed from a ‘just’ tuned 3-string (bowed) electric guitar with real time and algorithmic delay/spatialization processing. Slow, spectral tonal movements and a deluge of polyrhythmic beats occur through (de)tunings and altered tempos. A 4-channel speaker system is employed when performing the composition live to achieve maximum spatialization and to activate the psychoacoustic potentials in the sonic variants,” explain the artists.

“Through their considered approach, John and David create a forceful sonic environment with this electroacoustic work. What initially drew me to PDRM is the sheer intensity of the piece. The listener is entirely drawn in throughout the 25-minutes, and subsequently there is a feeling of blissful relief — one has been elsewhere and is now returned.”