
Francisco Lopez "Hidden Island Music (untitled #398)" [LP]

価格: 3,047円(税込)


Label: Discrepant

70か国以上に渡り何百ものコンサートや環境録音ワークショップ、サウンドインスタレーションを実践してきた80年代より活動する重鎮サウンドアーティストのフランシスコ・ロペス。2020年にフェスティバルに出演する為に訪れた西アフリカの沖合に浮かぶスペイン領のテネリフェ島。本作はその島で採取した環境音を素材に新しいフィールドレコーディング・コンポジションを作り上げた新作[Hidden Island Music]。激しい嵐の様な現場、水流、マイクロスコッピックな物音、生物のサウンドがインダストリアル調のループとして、またダークアンビエントの様なヘビーなミックスとして出現したりする妙な音楽的構造が面白い。

Francisco López offers a brand new field recording composition based on the recordings he did in the island of Tenerife whilst visiting for a performance at the Keroxen Festival, 2020.

Internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the sound art and experimental music scene, Francisco has an ear-like gift to point his microphones (and our ears) to the most special and unlikely of sound sources. For almost forty years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. Destroying boundaries between industrial sounds and wilderness sound environments, the presentation here is not unlike his most famous and celebrated works whilst still maintaining its unique relevance among a prolific catalogue of sounds.

Entitled Hidden Island Music the work explores its aforementioned ‘hidden sounds’ of Tenerife with a high sensorial mix of environmental and ‘industrial’ recordings taken in and around the Massifs of Teno and Anaga and later composed into a unique sonic journey through the huge sound pits of this rugged region of north Tenerife.

Another masterfull work from one of the masters of his craft, shifting from the limits of our perception to the most dreadful abyss of sonic power, a profound and transcendental listening open to sensory and spiritual expansion.