
Thomas Tilly "Codex Amphibia (Phonotaxis) [CD + Booklet 24 pages + Leporello 5 pages]

価格: 2,607円(税込)


Label: Aposiopese - APO 15

マイク録音を主な創作手段とし、科学的視点より、また独創的な面白コンセプトにて音制作を続けているフランスのサウンドアーティストThomas Tilly。同国の国立科学研究センターの研究員であるAntoine Fouquetと共に取り組んだ、カエルの爆発的繁殖を研究した共同芸術プロジェクト[Codex amphibia]。フランス領ギアナにて2016~2020年掛けて採集した"蛙フィールドレコーディング"を使った7曲からなり、それらを電子音とミックスし独自の環境風景を構築。まさに絶妙と言える氏の繊細な加工センスが発揮された作品。24ページのブックレットが付属する重厚なデジパック仕様。

Digipack + booklet 24p + Leporello 5p

Codex amphibia (Phonotaxis) has been recorded, composed and mixed between 2016 and 2020 in French Guiana and France by Thomas Tilly.

Teaser : www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1FH_8YPknk
Video teaser of the sound art and herpetology project realized by Thomas Tilly (composer) and Antoine Fouquet (Research associate at The French National Center for Scientific Research) during the frogs explosive breeding phenomenon, french Guiana 2016-2018. Pictures by Antoine Fouquet, Thomas Tilly and Audric Broux.

This Pieces are part of a both scientific and artistic collaborative project conducted with Herpetologist Antoine Fouquet, research associate at French National Center for Scienctific Research Cnrs. These compositions follow Codex amphibia (an interpretation of the explosive breeding), released in 2018 on Glistening Examples.
This work has benefited from an "Investissement d'Avenir" grant managed by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (CEBA, ref. ANR-10-LABX-25-01), and has been supported by Le Lieur Multiple, Jazz à Poitiers, Césaré, Studio d'en Haut, and has benefited of the grand "Brouillon d'un rêve, Pierre Schaeffer", by SCAM.