
Jerry Johansson "Mountain Flame" [LP]

価格: 3,157円(税込)



限定125部!!現行のDan Johansson周辺のスウェーデン・エクスペリメンタル系好きは是非!!自身も音楽家として活動する同国のDan FrobergとJerry Johanssonが共同で運営する面白実験レーベルOUTERDISK。弦楽器の演奏を追求した録音のみを出版すべく始動した"ストリングシリーズ"の第二弾作品。ギターやシタールに於いても超絶テクニックを持つというJerry Johanssonが挑んだバンジョーのソロアルバム。伝統的な奏法を取り入れつつ過去の偉人達には屈しないという姿勢で作られた、試聴の通り凄まじいテクニックと音楽性が全8曲に渡り展開する大推薦作。今後も期待のメチャクチャ面白いシリーズです。

Since lately, Jerry Johansson now also allows himself to travel deeper and deeper into the magical sounds of the banjo, guitar and sitar.
Banjo, this magical instrument, made up of five strings, and, through the ages, with close connections to both heaven and hell. But for the first time in history, Jerry really PLAYS the banjo as no one has ever done before!
The music and sounds of Jerry is constantly expanding and overtly psychedelic in the very same instant.
In short, The Inner Mountain Flame presents urban mountain music in the everpresent surroundings of now, 2020.
It's all here, in the ongoing madness of our times.
Deeply rooted in the "traditions" of Gabor Szabo, Robbie Basho, Sandy Bull, George Stavis and other luminaries, Jerry Johansson is wise enough not to succumb into an admoring "follower", but both tries and succeds in expanding this ongoing journey with his own, total imprint, signs, gestures and identity.
But, of course, even good old Clarence Ashley is an distant relative.
And, just as in the dream sleep, various themes, images and remembrances are closely tied together through the vibrant strings of eternity.
As already stated, the banjo is a magical instrument, and Jerry Johansson is the magician choosen to show the way further!

The String Series
Hereby, OUTERDISK has the great pleasure of initiating a sort of sub-level-organisation to our mother-ship, The String Series, during the last shivering nights of the year 2020.
The String Series will, on a regularly un-regular basis, release various records with the golden vibrating strings as the main aim. But, specially designed tabulatures, mysterious imprints, mind-boogling posters, and so much more, will also see the light of the day.
To confuse things even more, for the better, in the middle of it all, will also Blend Eclectic appear in front of us all.
An imprint, who, speaking longterms, will offer specially designed talks and workshops, sitar and banjo practises and studies (with connected teaching videos), and also, whenever the moon is on straight line to the sun, offer weekend workshops in levitation, sound improvisation and spontaneous painting.
The first two releases in The String Series is at first Dan Fröberg's lp-album of solo-swarmandala-songs, "Songs from the house", in a strictly limited edition of 200 copies.
The second release is an lp-album by Jerry Johansson, "Mountain Flame", which is released in a limited edition of 125 copies.
Also, an extra edition of 50 hand-numbered copies will also include a book of tabulatures, covering interpretations of the compositions on the record, and also including original collages by Dan Fröberg.