
Roberto Dani "Notturno" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Silentes

プリペアド・ドラムスという特殊な自作パーカッションセットを使い90年代から独自の演奏法の探求を続けているRoberto Dani 。美しい残響のある空間内にて録音されたイタリアSilentesからの2021年アルバム[Notturno]。強力な衝撃を発する演奏は行わず、徹底して静寂とその小さな音断片の響きに拘り続けるパーカッショニストであり、もはや気配や呼吸とも言える研ぎ澄まされた彫刻の様な世界を構築。現在はECMの為に4枚のアルバムを製作中との事。

the gradations of light
from sound to silence
“nocturnal” as a day release
as a necessary breath
between two sounds
in that moment of listening
which is possible
where the useless dissolves
r. d.
“writing about music is like dancing about architecture” - this saying has been around since
decades. we debated a lot about who first mentioned that: wasn’t it elvis costello? or thelonious
monk? laurie anderson maybe? or rather was it frank zappa in an old interview?
this matters little, I believe: whoever said that wished to emphasize the uselessness of translating
into words the musician’s work. I’m convinced he was going after some music press being more
and more focused on advertisers, whereas reporters and critics were unable to listen carefully to
the music.
this saying returned to my mind when listening roberto dani’s new work “nocturne”. an atypical
percussionist who dwells on silence and sound fragments rather than large blows and impact,
roberto resembles an expert mountaneering guide leading you on a hike: he teaches to appreciate
the imperceptible sound of heartbeats and breathing, and the thin noises of wind, steps, stones
and grass.
creating sound on sound as if he were laying stones on stones, gesture after gesture roberto
builds a cathedral of silence, embedding whispers and other almost unnoticeable noise with the
rubbing of his fingers. he moves around his astonishing sound sculptures as if dancing in the
marco pandin