
Joji Yuasa (湯浅譲二) "葵の上" [CD]

価格: 2,650円(税込)


Label: Edition Omega Point - OPA-001

ほとんど紹介される機会のない60-70年代の埋もれた電子音楽を発掘し光を当てるマニアック企画第1弾!現代音楽の世界では知らぬ者はいない超巨匠作家湯浅譲二の、代表作のひとつであるにもかかわらず未CD化だった、激レアな初期電子音楽作品の世界初リリース! 愛憎渦巻く平安の宮廷を、能の声を変調したドロドロしたコンクレート音響が描き出す、今聴いても新鮮な(でも結構コワイ)「葵の上」。そして現代の電子音楽作家にも影響を与えるであろう、クリックとパルスのみで作られた超空間電子音楽「MY BLUE SKY (No.1)」。NYで活動する湯浅龍平のアートワークによる新装丁2nd edition、限定500部。



"This CD contains one of my comprehensive work on music concrete "Aoi-no-Ue" and my last electronic music "My Blue Sky (No.1)" before I went into computer music. "Aoi-no-Ue" is a noh-play composed by Ze-Ami in 15th century, based on famous "The Tales of Genji" written by Murasaki Shikibu in 11th century. The text is recomposed by me keeping original words. And it was sung in the style of Noh-chant by three brothers of Noh actor, Kanze Hideo, Hisao and Shizuo.

This work "Aoi-no-Ue" is composed mainly based on metamorphosed sound of Noh-chant. The other sound is concrete sound such as birds songs, water drops, glasses, warped sound of vibraphone, some generated electronic sound and others. My Blue Sky (No.1) is a special electronic work for me, for most of my other works on this field are based on White Noise. Where as only this piece is exceptionally using the other generated sound.

However, my thoughts on denying to use so called bare generated waves such as sine, square triangle or saw are not changed. In this work only 'clicks', 'pulses' and various kinds of 'beats' induced from them, varying piches, width and their frequency of the pulse are adopted. For example I controlled successively occuring pulses of low frequency of sine wave by means of triggering with the frequency of square wave." - from liner note