
The Volume Settings Folder "Folder #07" [CD-R]

価格: 1,507円(税込)


Label: No Label

フィジカルバージョンにのみボーナストラック[ "What I Found". ]を収録!!イタリアのギタリストであるM. Beckmannが自身の考えるローカルなアンビエンスを伝えるべく、エクスペリメンタル、アンビエント、環境音、ドローン、ポストロックを織り交ぜたスタイルにて立ち上げた個人プロジェクトThe Volume Settings Folder。各タイトル限定50部で統一、一つ一つ異なる手作りのパッケージデザインが美しいセルフシリーズ。程よくノスタルジーなサウンドスケープ、変則な動きが心地良いギター音響、更には気配の様な音像までをやってのける素晴らしい音楽性の持ち主。本作は2020年12月に発表された"Folder"シリーズの#7。セピア色の写真/アートワークを軸に作られた非常に美しいデザインのパッケージ。小さなアートワークカードがクリップ留めされています。



when the past summer the idea for a new album started taking shape I was pretty sure I did not wanted for it to fall into a new series or anything particular. I slowly built it up, sound-wise a deep dive into new composing methods, at least for me, new artwork and it all.

then by the end of November I got pneumonia.

not a new experience for me, I always had lung related problems growing up. but this time during Covid it felt absurd, especially the first days. waiting for tests results, maintaining safe distances from the ones you love and live with you, using the mask when talking to them and isolating yourself in one room for precaution. it is a true relief when they tell you you are negative. I cannot imagine the emotional hell, on top of the physical one, one has to endure when positive.

so pneumonia slowed down my plans and it got me thinking. I am a huge procrastinator, and decide most things at the very end of my process, and publishing on my own allows me that. I had lost all confidence in what I previously thought about the album, it's title and purpose. still, I was sure it had one a few days before.

and like I was seeking refuge and confort for my soul, I thought of what kept comforting my musical endeavors during the past decade. and the Folder' series has been a huge chunk of work for me, where I delivered some of the music I am most proud of. there, I thought, this music can be. it can be meaningful, but in a way I still have not figured out -again-, but also sounds and emotions that I need to get out of my system.