
Blutwurst "Anabasi" [LP]

価格: 3,267円(税込)


Label: Kohlhaas - KHS 015

再入荷!!個人的激推し作として何度も再入荷し紹介している、ゴルトベルク変奏曲をコンクレートしたClaudio RocchettiのソロLP[Goldberg Variations]の出版元であるKohlhaasより激注目の音源が登場!!Another Timbreより2020年にリリースされたあのEmmanuel Holterbachの名作[Ricercar Nell'ombra]の演奏を担当していた、ケージ、フェルドマン、カーデュー、ルシエ、ラモンテら、大御所らの音響調査研究を行うフィレンツェの集団Blutwurstが2nd LPをリリース!! ハルモニウム、アコーディオン、ピアノ、ビオラ、チェロ等、生音編成のアンサンブルで作れらた2パートからなる表題曲[Anabasi]、そしてフルクサスのアーティストでもあるジュゼッペ・キアリに捧げられた、サイン波、テープ、パイプオルガン、エレクトロニクスによる[Parva Lumina]の2曲からなり、どちらも圧倒的なサウンドの質と展開力に圧倒される事必至の激高内容持続音。ジャケットデザインはSecond SleepのMatteo Castro、マスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasi、ライナノーツはEmmanuel Holterbachという超強力布陣。マスト。




Black vinyl LP 12" featuring artwork by Matteo Castro w/ liner notes insert.
Edition of 200 copies.

Founded by a collective of musicians involved in radical improvisation and contemporary classical music, since 2011 Florence-based ensemble Blutwurst has focused their research on the acoustic exploration of sustained tones and slowly transformed patterns of sound.
"Anabasi" is Blutwurst’s fourth full length release, following their debut album "Tenebrae" (Tempo Reale Collection, 2016), the subsequent "Yoğurt" (Negative Days, 2016), and their recent collaboration with French composer Emmanuel Holterbach "Ricercar nell'ombra", released in early 2020 by Another Timbre.
As its title could imply, "Anabasi" shapes up to be a deep, imaginative path, divided in two long takes: the title track – which is itself split in two parts – for acoustic instruments (harmonium, accordion, piano, viola, cello, double bass, trumpet and bass clarinet), sine waves and tapes; and "Parva Lumina", for pipe organ and electronics.

"Parva Lumina" is dedicated to Fluxus artist and composer Giuseppe Chiari (Florence, 1926-2007) and was developed by Blutwurst after the audiovisual installation of his score "La Luce". It was recorded on a 19th Century Tronci organ in the church of San Giusto a Ema, Florence.

"Anabasi" is pressed in 200 copies on black vinyl, featuring the visual concept by Matteo Castro and liner notes by Emmanuel Holterbach.

Digital edition comes with a bonus uncut version of the opening track.