
Simon Whetham "(II​)​nTolerance" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Kohlhaas

環境音を使った作曲やインスタレーション、パフォーマンスにおいて大ベテランとなったイギリス人アーティストSimon Whetham。現在まで60タイトル程の音盤を残している多作な人物で、今作は同Kohlhaasから2017年に発表した物音コンクレート長編[InTolerance]の#2。世界的なパンデミックによる制限や恐怖、苦しみ等をコンセプトに、自身の環境音アーカイヴをネタに組み立てたガチガチのミュージック・コンクレートで、前作以上にエッジの強い断片を容赦無く放射しています。200部限定、7インチサイズのPVCスリーヴを使った特殊パッケージ。

CD w/ oversized 7" sleeve featuring cover artwork by Robert Sherrill and graphic design by Nicola Chemotti Beutel, printed by Legno.
Edition of 200.

«"InTolerance" (published by Kohlhaas in 2017) consisted of a selection of combined scenes and activities in various global locations. Through the process of constructing the piece, it became clear that it was as much about my ability and fortune to be able to travel and cross borders with relative ease as it was about the situations I was able to document
"(II)nTolerance" is a sequel and a response to "InTolerance". It is a personal reaction to the global pandemic and its wide-reaching effects through suffering, fear, misinformation as much as confinement and curfews. It is a personal response to the (somewhat incorrectly named) United Kingdom leaving the European Union and all the resulting events that are continually unravelling.
Travel has been limited when not impossible. Cultural exchange is only possible through mobile, online, remote communication. Tactile contact is feared. Families and friends have been divided physically, mentally, politically.
Fragmented memories emerged as sounds from recent years are repeatedly listened to. Unions, reunions, first meetings and last farewells. Staged and chance activities. Meticulous constructions. Static scenes. Abandoned sites. Interrupted signals. Severed connections. Energy transmitted, translated, received.
Locations were revisited retrospectively, introspectively, their whereabouts unimportant. Thanks will be sent privately to those who enabled this work in every way.»

Simon Whetham, 2021