
Kg Augenstern "Circles and cycles" [CD + Book]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Gruenrekorder - Gruen202

以前、当店にて運河にまたがる"橋"のサウンドスケープ作[Tentacles](同様のBook & CD仕様のもの)を紹介した、Christiane PrehnとWolfgang Meyerによるサウンドアート・グループAugensternの新作。グラスファイバー製の杖"Tentacles"を使いその接触音を周辺のサウンドスケープごと採集するユニットで、今回の舞台はシチリア島。島を歩き回り残された多くの廃墟を散策、本作のブックの表紙にもなっている"円"を床に描き、その周囲で鳴る特定のサウンドを一緒に捉えたというもの。「ガリガリ」「ザッ...ザッ...」と杖が描く音が緩やかに木霊する、最早"儀式的"な雰囲気すら漂う非常に興味深いサウンドスケープ。廃墟内部の写真が大量に掲載されたブック&CDのセット作。大推薦。



Kg Augenstern (Christiane Prehn and Wolfgang Meyer) have been exploring the world for many years with their “Tentacles,” extendable fiberglass canes that allow them to touch and extract the sounds of the places they are travelling through. These tentacles have become a kind of prostheses to generate subtle experiences that require attentive listening. The various aspects of the project are constantly transformed and presented as audiokinetic installations, live-streams, radio broadcasts or sound installations in contemporary art spaces.

In autumn 2019, the artists explored places in Sicily that have been abandoned within the last few decades. With their tentacles, they scratched circles on the surface of these contemporary ruins to reveal the specific sounds of the various surfaces and their surroundings. A camera installed in the center of the circles recorded the images. The research was accompanied by experiments with raw sheep’s wool and clay as materials corresponding to the ephemeral appearance and transitory atmosphere of the places. The outcome of the research was presented as an exhibition in an old prayer hall in Palermo.

The CD invites listeners to explore 10 abandoned places, including the location of the final exhibition.