
Matthias Engelke "Resonant Dowland" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Gruenrekorder - Gruen197

コレはメチャクチャ面白い試み!!素晴らしい内容です!!エレクトリック及びアナログシステムを使い、実に様々な現代演劇の舞台音楽を作曲しているドイツの作曲家/サウンドアーティストMatthias Engelke。イングランドのエリザベス朝後期に活動したルネッサンスの作曲家/リュート奏者であるジョン・ダウランドの曲を、完全パーソナルな視点で現代的に解釈した"エレクトリック演劇音響"作。エリザベス朝時代の楽曲/歌がデジタル処理された音響空間と融合する不思議な世界を構築しており、何世紀も前に書かれた曲がその本質を失う事無く穏やかで独創的な楽曲へと昇華されています。大推薦。



Resonant Dowland represents an individual and contemporary interpretation of the songs of Renaissance composer John Dowland. His songs, flying in from the past, become completely subjective by their full integration into an electronically generated world of sound where they are absorbed structurally, gesturally and sonically. This digital recomposition and the aura of Dowland`s songs meld together in a surprising, gentle and respectful, even symbiotic way. The resounding fragments from a mysterious past find their echo in the acoustic chamber of our present world, which receives them into its own digitally-processed musical space without endangering their centuries-old magical essence. Resonant Dowland connects a creative musician of the Elizabethan age, on the threshold of discovering musical individuality, with his colleague who, separated by centuries, lives in an age of digital absorption of sound, in music whose unequal layers shine iridescently through each other. The central idea of this electronic renaissance could be represented by the image of the palimpsest, the res facta of the past, that has seen several lives.