
Eric La Casa + Jean-Luc Guionnet + Seijiro Murayama + Arnau Horta + Michaele-Andrea Schatt "Installations" [CD + Booklet]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Swarming

20年以上に渡り環境に耳を傾け、自身の考える音の美学を拡大して来たサウンドアート界の大ベテランEric La Casa。2020年末に自身のSwarmingから出版した音源は150x150の24ページブックにCDが添えられたセット作品。Michaële Andréa Schatt、村山政二朗 氏、Arnau Horta、盟友Jean-Luc Guionnetの4者とEricがそれぞれデュオで行なった、年代、場所も異なる4つのインスタレーション音源を纏めたもの。"景観の拡大"や"場所の音を使い尽くす"等、フィールドレコーディング、現場の空間そのものを利用した興味深い実験が資料と共に確認出来ます。



For more than 20 years, while listening to the environment, Éric La Casa (born 1968, Tours, lives and works in Paris) has been questioning the perception of reality and has expanded the notion of what's musical today. Through his aesthetic of capturing sound, his work fits equally into the fields of sound art and music. As a result of his in situ listening processes, he creates forms (of attention) that creep into the venues, slowly infuse there, and become other possible spaces. In the same way that the letter stimulates a country's reading, the in situ aesthetic object renews our relationship to space and landscape.

Versions stéréophoniques à partir des enregistrements et mixages ayant servi aux 4 installations sonores
Stereophonic versions based on the recordings and mixes used for the 4 sound installations

Surface-témoin / Show surface (2005)
by Jean-Luc Guionnet & Eric La Casa
De la dilation du paysage / Enlarging the landscape (2006)
by Michaële-Andréa Schatt & Eric La Casa
Double exposition / Double exposure (2010)
by Seijiro Murayama & Eric La Casa
Tentative d’épuisement (sonore) d’un lieu / Attempt at exhausting the sound of a place (2016)
by Arnau Horta & Eric La Casa

Book (24 pages 15x15cm) + CD
Published by Swarming - Collection Paris