
Christina Giannone "Zone 7" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Room40

米インディアナよりアンビエント、サウンドスケープ、ミニマルミュージックにフォーカスしたリリースを続けるPast Inside the Presentのオーナーzake周辺で動いているニューヨークのエレクトロリック・プロデューサーChristina Giannone。オーストラリアRoom40より出版した2022年新作アルバム[Zone 7]。自身の潜在意識の中を表現したというくぐもったアブストラクト持続音作で、決して美しいだけではないグッと踏み込んだ重みのある表現に成功。終始抽象的でクールな像を描いています。非常に作り込まれたアルバム。エンボス仕様の美麗スリーヴ。

Monochrome printed matte laminate and embossed sleeve with laminate insert card

While I was making this record, I found myself coming back to the idea of escapism and how focused psychological exploration plays a role in that. The primary purpose of the project became a process of seeking to encourage a disengagement from the forefront of conscious awareness, and allow a willingness to take flight into the subconscious. In some ways perhaps, it was like the idea of falling away from consciousness into this other state and through that falling away we are able to begin this process of escape.

It’s in this place, away from consciousness that you will find the soul’s domain, where there are “zones” and “portals” to other dimensions within the trenches of the psyche. I wanted this album to offer a chance for people to reach into these trenches, to begin to know them and to be invited to reside there, even for just a moment.

Each piece, I hope, helps to facilitate transcendence into these rooms and spaces within the subconscious world, where one's perception can transform or evolve into any direction of their choosing, allowing free range of expression and self-reflection. It is in the subconscious that new possibilities for freedom can be found, and perhaps even cultivated more generally.

Often we are afraid to observe the worlds within ourselves, but they can serve a higher purpose and provide tools for basic awareness and survival. By allowing ourselves to visit our inner dimensions we may find an oasis of peace and eternal self-assurance. This work is a soundtrack to those places, to the promise they hold and to the journey we all take into our own minds.