
Daniel Lentz "Ending(s)" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: New World Records - 80815-2

2019年重要作漸く入荷。ペンシルベニア出身のアメリカの作曲家であり、1980年代初頭から続くウェストコーストのアンビエント/ミニマル・レーベルCold Blue Musicに多くの名作を残している米コンポーザーDaniel Lentz。Harold Buddとの共作アンビエントや電子音楽、パフォーマンスアート、ミニマルの制作にまで踏み込んできた作曲家で、本作は非常に濃密且つ巨大なスケールで描かれる2018年のオーケストラ作品[Ending(s)]。巨大なストリングスの重層の渦が美しい終末感を漂わせ深く浸透する様に沈み込む。トラベリング・ミュージックというコンセプトで作られた同時収録の2003年作[Continental Divide]と合わせコレはかなり素晴らしい一枚だと思います。大推薦。



While certain recognizable fingerprints are found throughout the body of Daniel Lentz's (b. 1942) work, he has never been content to settle within one particular style or mode of music for long, moving ever forward in an evolutional continuum, an overriding arc that defines his growth as a composer -- beginning with traditional music, diverting into electronic music, moving into performance art pieces for his various touring groups, then sallying into minimalism, followed by work distinguished for its revolutionary use of live multi-track recording in performances in the 1980s and 1990s, and finally evolving into his own brand of modern romanticism. Perhaps the most important aspect of Lentz's compositions is that they immediately connect to the listener. This is because he started out as a performer, not as an academic, and from his first jazz band through years of touring his music with multiple groups, he never lost sight of whom he was writing for -- the listener. This simple intention permeates his music. Never pandering or soft-peddling his message, never compromising his artistic integrity, Lentz has gone straight for the listener all his life, and his music connects in ways that are simultaneously intellectual and emotional.