
Lemur + Reinhold Friedl "Alloy" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Sofa - SOFA581

1997年に結成した演奏集団Zeitkratzerを率い重鎮現代音楽勢のカバー及び共同録音を行ってきたドイツの重要コンポーザーReinhold Friedl、ノルウェーにて非常にマニアックな音源リリース、埋もれた名作の発掘などを行ってきた+3db Recordsお抱えのアンサンブル"Lemur"が初の共作に挑戦。演奏技術の拡張、形態の実験をコンセプトに、クインテット全体(Lemur / Friedl)、デュオ、トリオ、カルテット、そして個々の演奏家にしっかりとフォーカスをした7つの記録。スタジオはあらゆる要素が融合し新しいものを生み出す現場と解説にありますが、アンビエント色が強い室内楽、ほぼ物音化したチェロの抽象的反復、Zeitkratzerばりにドッシリとした重奏までと、多彩且つ全編聞き所満載の一枚です。

In 2015, Lemur started a collaboration with German pianist Reinhold Friedl. Friedl is the leader of the international ensemble Zeitkratzer, working at the intersection of improvisation and composition. In this respect, Friedl's experience and working method have much in common with the ideas and working methods Lemur uses. Not least through an interchange between work with large and small ensembles.

In collaboration with Reinhold Friedl, we focus on the use of extended playing techniques, form experiments and utilization of both the entire quintet (Lemur / Friedl) and the individual musicians put together in solo, duo, trio and quartet format. Alloy contains the result of this collaboration.

The title reflects on the meeting between two strong expressions, and between five musicians who together create a musical alloy of different input and ideas. In this way, we see the studio as a factory where different elements can blend together and create something new.

Bjørnar Habbestad, flutes
Hild Sofie Tafjord, horn
Lene Grenager, cello
Michael Duch, contrabass
Reinhold Friedl, piano