
Hearn Gadbois "Rara Avis" [LP]

価格: 3,597円(税込)


Label: Abstrakce Records

37年間に渡る記録より厳選した決定版的内容!!80年代初頭に中東のジャズバンドでコンガを担当した事によりパーカッショニストのキャリアをスタート、その後パティ・スミス、メレディス・モンク、オノ・ヨーコら重鎮達の音源に参加する事となるチェコの演奏家Hearn Gadbois。個人名義の音源は現在まで2、3作発表したのみで、本作は氏の長年に渡るホームレコーディング(1983~2020)を纏めた珠玉のコンピレーションLP。主にアコースティック楽器を使用、伝統的な奏法とアウトサイダーの感性を組み合わせ、古風でありながらモダンな音楽を生み出す独創世界。妙に前衛であったりユニークであったりとその広い振り幅も面白い。

A compilation of Hearn Gadbois' tracks, published here and there along the years (1983- 2020). Most of them are home recordings with very little or no diffusion, so this release tries to shed some light on these amazing compositions. A sound related to Hassell's 4th world, but developed in a very personal way (he even designs & makes some of his instruments) that feels different and goes far beyond. Using mostly acoustic instruments, Hearn combines a love of traditional trance/ecstatic rhythms with the sensibilities of an outsider artist, creating a music that is both archaic and post-modern. A really original and rare work, difficult to classify or explain... In Hearn's own words, included in the liner notes:
"The pieces compiled here tend to fall, with some overlap, into a few broad categories as near as I can tell: Mystery Psychedelic Crime Jazz (Tuba City, Flesh of the Spirit), Ayahuasca Hut Bachelor Pad Music (Night, Take the Waters, Wood), or Party Music that just fell from the sky or bubbled up through a crack in the earth (Flown Home, What the Goatherd Heard)"

As a percussionist, composer for dance and film, instrument designer/ builder, session musician and teacher, Gadbois worked with Meredith Monk, Sussan Deyhim, Gabrielle Roth, Yoko Ono, Patti Smith, Suzanne Vega, The Master Musicians of Jajouka, and Wim Wenders, to name but a few.