
Filosofer "Landet Er Gitt Oss" [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Nakama Records - NKM003

これは凄まじい内容、大推薦!!Nakama Recordsの主催者Christian Meaas Svendsenを中心に、Håkon Aase、Adrian Løseth Waade、Erlend Albertsen、Bendik Baksaasというこのレーベルに関係する演奏家にて編成された、二人のバイオリン、二人のコントラバス、そしてエレクトロニクスによる5人組プロジェクトFilosofer。ターンテーブル、シンセサイザー、サンプラーも導入し異端な弦楽四重奏に挑むというコンセプトで作られており、冷徹な音響放射から優雅なアコースティック、ぼやけたナレーションまでが登場するクールな即興劇的一枚。



Improvisation, truth, joy, jazz and doubt. These are but a few of the elements that frequently emerge in the universe of Filosofer, and occurring on their debut album "landet er gitt oss". Using the Norwegian version of a term used for people who spend most of their time pondering, one is lead to belive that their music is rooted in complex concepts and theoretic academia. So it is not. Filosofer focuses more on guts and feel rather than analyzing and thinking. Their basis for comprehension of the material- as well as meta-physical world, lies not within the realm of the intellect, but in the realm of sound.

The music unites an unorthodox string quartet consisting of two violins and two double basses with fresh input from computers, turntables, synthesizers and samplers. In what way are five jazz musicians the same as a string quartet and a DJ? “Filosofer” put their heads together and through the mercy of the moment they contemplate the riddle. It all collides in an improvisational play which holds powerful sounds, tender emotions and surreal musical narration.

Håkon Aase - violin
Adrian Løseth Waade - violin
Erlend Albertsen - double bass, tenor saxophone
Christian Meaas Svendsen - double bass
Bendik Baksaas - synth, sampler, computer

Kjetil Jerve (track 2) - piano
Rob Waring (track 3) - vibraphone