
@xcrswx "Call Time/Hard Out" [7"]

価格: 1,507円(税込)


Label: Feedback Moves - FM1

Low Company激賞の7インチ作!!ロンドンを拠点とするCrystabel Riley(ドラム、自身の身体)、土取利行氏とも演ったりしている強者サックスプレイヤーのSeymour Wrightが始動したデュオプロジェクト@xcrswxのデビュー作。程良く後ろに下がった鳴りが心地良い、なんと電話を通して録音されたというサイドA[Call Time]、そしてCafe Otoのライブ録音と別編集音源をミックスしたサイドB[Hard Out]、フィードバックの重いトーンと肉感の強いリズムパターンが奔放に続くクールで面白い演奏内容です。非常にしっかりとした作りのスリーヴにA4インサート、レーベル名刺が付属。150部限定。



Feedback Moves launches with ‘Call Time / Hard Out’ by @xcrswx.

@xcrswx are London based artists Crystabel Riley (drum-/human-skin) and Seymour Wright (saxophone), who alongside performing as a duo have appeared in projects such as أحمد [Ahmed], GUO, Maria & The Mirrors and RP Boo & XT.

Call Time / Hard Out presents us with a contrast of opposing recording techniques - the LIVE and the ANDROID. Call Time is largely made up of phone recordings, mashed up to create a layered mix of mini aural breaks, which scatter barbed sax and motoric drum patterns through a cloud of bass tone and feedback. Hard Out is an edited in-house live recording from Cafe Oto which sees the duo communicating through a live language of repetition and interplay. Sparse, rotating snare and sax blows are met with pulsing subs as the mix gradually folds back on itself.

Call Time / Hard Out will be released as a 7” and download on 15th June 2020
7” comes with folded @xcrswx artwork, A4 insert by @xcrswx with words by Janina Pedan and label business card
150 copies
Call Time recorded by @xcrswx

Hard Out recorded by Shaun Crook, with reflections from Amy Gwatkin and Billy Steiger
Mastered by John Hannon