
Francisco Meirino "A New Instability" [LP]

価格: 2,937円(税込)


Label: Helen Scarsdale Agency - HMS057

もともとはノイジーな音響的アプローチで音制作を行っていた当店人気のスイスの作家Francisco Meirino。近年その作風はフランス電子音楽の最重要拠点INA-GRMをも巻き込む秀逸なエレクトロアコースティック、ミュージックコンクレートへと進化を遂げており、本作もそのINA-GRM絡みで作られた2021年ソロLP!!故郷であるローザンヌの剣道道場でのフィールドレコーディングを使用、竹刀や人間がぶつかり合う強烈な接触音を加工し、破裂や爆発音が木霊する冷徹なミュージックコンクレートとして仕上げた1曲約15分からなる2パート編成にて記録。本作は間違いなく電子音家としての路線も確立した決定版。ともとは32チャンネルを使用した大掛かりな作品をステレオバージョンに編集したものが収録されています。大推薦。



in 2019, the swiss power-acoustic musician francisco meirino presented 'a new instability' a commission for the venerable ina-grm in paris. of course, this institution is the pre-eminent center for the research and study of electro-acoustic music dating back to founding of groupe de recherches musicales in 1958 by pierre schaeffer. to this day, ina-grm continues to be at the vangarde of the electro-acoustic composition, and it is quite an accomplishment and very appropriate for meirino to receive such a commission.

this recording for 'a new instability' condenses the 32-channel original piece down to a still very active stereo version. here, meirino continues to amplify and refine his compositions that walk a fine tightrope between raw expressivity of brutalist noise and conceptual rigor of more academic pursuits. such a work ranks him in with the likes of zbigniew karkowski, dave phillips, puce mary, and illusion of safety.

field recordings from a martial arts dojo in his hometown of lausanne cast a pugilistic, combative arch to these recordings which snap, burst, explode, and erupt with utterances of men and women engaged in hand-to-hand combat. seering frequencies build, swarm, and amass out of these episodes rise to psychologically tense crescendo that rupture at their heights, quickly turning attention towards a violence that originates from within. it is as if the objective observations of those martial arts recordings are sublimated within a subjective experience of psychic unease, disquiet, and imbalance.

'a new instability' is another magnificent chapter in the ongoing body of work for this accomplished composer of electro-acoustic noise.