
Hiele "Stadspark" [Limited edition CD-R]

価格: 1,947円(税込)


Label: Universal Exports - EU1

多くの現行のエレクトリック、実験作品を残したアントワープの名門Entr'acteの主宰者Allon Kaye、そこから音盤を出していたYves De MeyとRoman Hieleの三者が新たに始動した新レーベルUniversal Exports!!その第一弾は立ち上げメンバーの一人である"Hiele"のソロ作で、内容はまさにEntr'acte直系のシリアス、ユニーク、アブストラクトなストレンジ・エレクトロニクスが次々と登場するクール過ぎる音源集。尚、本作はLP版も出ていますが、今回入荷したのは限定40部のCD-R版。商品画像を見ての通り、なんとAllon Kaye、Roman Hiele、Gerard Leysen、Céline Mathieuが各10ずつデザインをした4種の一点ものハンドメイドパッケージ仕様となっています。お見逃しなく。




Edition of 40 CDRs; spray-painted discs:
Roman Hiele (two designs; five copies each)
Allon Kaye (ten unique designs)
Gerard Leysen (ten unique designs)
Céline Mathieu (ten unique designs)

Composition and mix by Roman Hiele
Executed and concluded between 2015 and 2019
Mastered by Yves De Mey

Due to current postal restrictions, we are
unable to ship outside of the EU.

If you are based in Antwerp, please contact us
if you’d like to pick up your copy in person.

Antwerp’s Stadspark: a once-thriving triangular cruising ground,
and still an occasional recreation site. These days, however,
the only flash you are likely to get is that of a police badge.
Linger on a bench too long and brave the consequences; to fester
at home is best. But the animals just proliferate. Unwanted domestic
pets – gerbils, rabbits, mice – dumped in the night in Logan’s Run;
no one knows how and when this unsavoury practice was begun.
To his astonishment, The Administrator once reported seeing
a raven swoop clean from the trees and scoop up a guinea pig in
its claws. The guinea pig was not heard from again. Reborn real
estate: in the bushes, militant structures don sportswear shades,
and a club scuppered by arson emerges as a generic phoenix –
the Grand Café Capital. That chip on the shoulder of second cities.
Not to deny the park its stately airs: fin-de-siècle street lamps,
precious steel suspension bridge and the whole beguilingly
prehistoric as seagulls soar and light irradiates the lake.
Desiccated one summer, pumped artificially after protest, sans the
resident black swans. A former fortress now offering fourteen
hectares of jogging excellence. The playground is cordoned off
with crime tape.

[Text: Clodagh Kinsella]