
Camizole + Lard Free [LP]

価格: 2,827円(税込)


Label: SouffleContinu Records - FFLP030

ジャズ・パフォーマンス集団Urban Saxの中心人物Gilbert Artman、彼と共にVideo Aventuresとしても動いたDominique Grimaud、Etron Fou LeloublanのChris Chanet、そんな重要人物達が率いた/参加した二つのフランス重要ユニットCamizoleとLard Freeが共同で残した1978年の秘蔵音源。Klaus Schulzeからの影響を受けつつ、そこへLard Freeによる反復的フォーム及びノイズの要素を落とし込み狂気じみたフリージャズ/アヴァンロックへと仕上げた混沌の名演。ライブ録りならではの霞んだ空間性もバッチリハマっています。このレーベルの特徴でもあるしっかりと作り込まれた帯付きのカッチリ・パッケージ。



The ranks of Camizole included some of the most essential personalities of the French underground, notably Dominique Grimaud (Vidéo-Aventures), Chris Chanet (Etron Fou Leloublan) and Bernard Filipetti (Art & Technique). Their idea of music, if we look further than the pair Dominique Grimaud – Bernard Filipetti and a style of music influenced by Klaus Schulze, is inspired by the liberty of free jazz. This is nonetheless modified by a cathartic approach close to the esthetic preoccupations of Julian Beck and Judith Malina's Living Theatre. The result is a musical happening, where the important thing is to improvise in the urgency of the moment in front of a not-always receptive public.

Before exploring constructed repetitive forms which would be perfected by Urban Sax, Lard Free were more in the domain of noise improvisation, or even a kind of jazz rock similar to that of Soft Machine, as can be heard on a late retrospective album, from which the track "À chacun son Boulez" emerged.

There was logically great complicity between Camizole and Lard Free, which would lead to the two groups finally merging. This was the case for four concerts in May before the two groups disbanded in order to finally get to grips with the free rock in the style of Faust that they liked so much. As an ode to anarchy, a record now bears witness to those communal experiences.