
Jurg Frey & Apartment House "Borderland Melodies" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: Another Timbre

Another Timbreに残してきた音源はどれも高内容、自身のB-Boim Recordsを含む様々なレーベルに多くの作品を残し続けるWandelweiser派の人気作曲家Jung Frey。当初はApartment Houseのクラリネット奏者Heather Rocheの為に書いたものの、パンデミックの影響で演奏の機会が設けられず断念。その後根本的な部分から作り直し、最終的にはビオラ、ピアノ、ヴァイオリンを含む編成へと仕上げた2022年のアンサンブル曲。音響的要素や不協和音を交えつつ絶妙な歪みと美しさを保ち続ける大推薦タイトル。

"The original idea had been for a CD of pieces that use both clarinet and bass clarinet, which would have given me the opportunity to play alongside Heather Roche, Apartment House’s regular clarinetist. However, the pandemic intervened and limited my activities as a player. Then I was seriously ill for a few weeks at the beginning of the year, and had to think fundamentally about my future activities as a player. As a result, I decided to stop playing the clarinet, so the original idea behind the album was changed.

But in terms of the pieces on the CD, there was a positive side to the delays. The repeated postponements gave me the opportunity to play through the new piece I’d composed for the recording session, “L’état de simplicité”, again and again for myself. Through this extra time, I discovered ways to make things clearer, to go forward step by step, and to bring the pieces to a point I hadn’t expected before."
- Jürg Frey