
Offthesky & The Humble Bee "We Were The Hum Of Dreams" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: LAAPS - 003

フランスIIKKIリリースの中でも群を抜いて当店のベストセラーとなっている[All Other Voices Gone, Only Yours Remains]の制作者であるThe Humble Bee。第二弾の[Fean "II"]に続き早くも発表されたサブレーベルLAAPSの第三弾に、なんとこの人物が登場!!前作同様に女性ボーカルRin Howell、サックス・プレイヤーCody Yantisが参加、そしてメインゲストとしてバイオリン、パーカッションにOfftheskyことJason Corderを招いた完璧な演奏布陣。実体がある様でいて捕らえる事の出来ない、各プレイヤーの発する音が美しい埃の様に舞う幽玄なフォーク&アンビエント。お馴染みクールなパッケージデザイン、ハンドナンバリング入りにて限定200。

The Humble Bee & Offthesky come back with a second opus after their first one on IIKKI in 2019. Including Rin Howell for the voice and Cody Yantis for the sax like previously. This second opus is a perfect continuity with their first collaboration, a delicate and detailed piece with a dusty out of time atmosphere.

Originally from Kentucky, since 15 years, Offthesky is the prolific musician Jason Corder who currently resides in Denver, Colorado in the United States. His catalogue shows over 70 albums which have been released by a number of labels such as Databloem, Dronarivm, Eilean Rec., Hibernate, Home Normal, Rural Colours, SEM Label, Wist Rec.

The Humble Bee is the solo project from Craig Tattersall, a former member of The Remote Viewer and Famous Boyfriend bandmate Andrew Johnson. Tattersall's music can be found these days more often under his alias The Humble Bee; as a founder member of The Boats; and in his collaborative works with the likes of Bill Seaman in The Seaman And The Tattered Sail. He has run the wonderful label Cotton Goods from 2008 to 2015 and since 2009 he has recorded 11 albums on his moniker The Humble Bee.

Craig Tattersall - Piano, guitar, harmonium, bass, textures, tape loop
Jason Corder - Vibes, violin, percussion, effects, arrangement
Rin Howell - Voice, lyrics
Cody Yantis - Sax