
Denis Frajerman "Macau Peplum" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Klanggalerie - gg341

DDAAとの共作やPtoseとのスプリット等も発表している1989年に結成されたフランスの実験バンドPalo Altoのコンポーザーとしてキャリアをスタート、並行してソロ音源も発表し続けて来た音楽家Denis Frajerman。オリジナルは本国のエクスペリメンタル/アンビエントレーベルNoise Museumよりリリースされていた2000年の廃盤作[Macau Peplum]。コンテンポラリーダンスやアニメーション、短編映画、ドキュメンタリーのサウンドトラックも手掛ける作曲家であり、本作では多くのゲストを招き録音した黒いユーモア全開のアヴァンポップを披露した激オススメタイトル。



Denis Frajerman started as composer in the French experimental Band Palo Alto. With a strong interest in literature and orality as a musician, he collaborates regularly with storytellers and writers for radio sessions, oratorios, or records.
 Strongly linked to the work of Antoine Volodine, his first solo album, Les Suites Volodine was directly influenced by his writings. They both share a taste for haunting atmospheres, black humor, witchcraft. Volodine and Frajerman also worked on creations, Des Anges Mineurs, post-exotic oratorio composed for six musicians, singer, narrator, dancer and videographer and Vociférations, cantopera for eleven musicians, ordered by the Radiophonic Creation Workshops of France Culture. Frajerman is also composer of soundtracks for contemporary dance, object theater, animation, short films, documentaries and has developed in recent years as a guitarist an approach to this instrument influenced by folk music from Greece and rural blues of the southern United States. Macua Peplum is a work from 1997-1999 and features amongst others Sandrine Bonnet on vocals and percussions, and Jacques Barberi on saxophone. The second part of the CD is Le Voyeur from 1996.