
Asmus Tietchens & Dirk Serries "Air" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: A New Wave Of Jazz - nwoj0026

1980年代半ばに登場し初期はノイズ /インダストリアルの脈で活動、その後独自のアンビエント路線を追求していったベルギーの作曲家Vidna ObmanaことDirk Serries。氏がフリージャズおよびそれに関連する魅力な音楽を紹介すべく立ち上げたレーベルA New Wave Of Jazzの作品。本作はDirk Serriesがクラリネット、アコーディオン、ハーモニカ、メロディカを演奏、それらにAsmus Tietchensがエレクトロニクスでトリートメントを加えた、気配の様にささやく感触が続くまさしく"Air"というタイトルがどハマりするコンテンポラリー&アンビエント持続音。全曲激ヤバです。



Asmus Tietchens : treatments
Dirk Serries : accordeon, melodica, clarinet, harmonica, concertina

Sources performed and recorded in October 2018 by Dirk Serries.
Treatments by Asmus Tietchens. Recorded, mixed and mastered at Audiplex Studio E, Hamburg.

In just a couple years Dirk Serries' A New Wave Of Jazz imprint has amassed quite a collection of diverse works that may impart some new variant of jazz and electronic music. Here alongside the venerable experimental electronic composer Asmus Tietchens, who Serries has collaborated with before (under the Vidna Obmana moniker) they are fit, dynamic, and deliver something quite different from anything they’ve released prior. Over six tracks that run about forty-seven minutes the two talented multi-instrumentalists communicate in ways both minimalistic and in drone washes like haunted spirits. Serries takes on a kit that includes accordeon, melodica, clarinet, harmonica, concertina (for which each track is partially named) while Tietchens modifies and mixes with oscillating treatments. The thin airiness of Air Klarinette 1, hosts wavering quietude that bring said apparitions. I appreciate the simplicity of generating compositions by way of singular instruments, in the process of finding the edges of their possibilities. And the pair not only brings harmonic interjection, but finds ways to break these utterances down to the bare bones, offering something deeply forlorn and emotional. The piece that stands out most for me is Air Melodica, maybe it’s because I do not often hear this instrument, or maybe it’s exclusively how in-tune these two gentlemen are within this particular piece, it’s intimate, and my ears are rapt. The tones have an awkward simplicity that takes a generous amount of time to reveal itself. Ambient whispers, mellow cadences (for the most part), like waves coming to shore. A stunner. At center is Air Concertina uses pitch and mysterious wizardry to come off as if you were listening to something quite Hitchcockian in terms of atmosphere – and this one has just the right balance of aching timbre and well-devised timing. While not a huge fan of the accordion they seem to transgress the instrument (leaving only traces) on Air Akkordeon. The piece writhes in delivering semi-bloated air waves, and it’s one of the more quiet works here, escaping the ‘oompa-loompa’ squawk-box. Towards the end it gets to be a bit like an outtake from one of those sci-fi cult reels of the 70’s. One of the biggest surprises here comes on Air Harmonika, a work of austere reflection truncated into eight minutes. This piece could easily be an hour-long session for these here ears, touching on deep-sleep ambient and celestial soundscapes that take you into an opaque, euphoric bliss. Lost in the time/space continuum, a work that harnesses the subconscious." - Toneshift