
Misha Mengelberg, Peter Brotzmann, Evan Parker, Peter Bennink, Paul Rutherford, Derek Bailey, Han Bennink "Groupcomposing" [CD]

価格: 2,827円(税込)


Label: Corbett vs. Dempsey - CvsD CD056

オリジナルはオランダの名門Instant Composers Poolから70年にリリース、アンディ・ウォーホルのバナナをカットしたHan Benninkのアートワークもユニークな、ICPカタログ6番目の名作として知られる激レアLP[Groupcomposing]が初のCDリイシュー!! 「即興音楽愛好家の宝物」と版元に解説にありますが、Derek Bailey、Han Bennink、Peter Brötzmann、Evan Parker、Paul Rutherford、Misha Mengelberg、そしてバグパイプでPeter Benninkという、まさにスーパーグループによる2編の70年完全即興ライブコンサートを収録。余計な説明は不要、とにかく体感して頂きたい一枚です。カッチリとした3パネルのジャケット内側にはメンバー全員のフォトが掲載されています。Corbett vs. Dempseyの仕事は本当に素晴らしい。マスト。



Comprised of a one-time international free music supergroup, originally released as the sixth production on pianist Misha Mengelberg and drummer Han Bennink's ICP label, Groupcomposing has been largely absent from the history books. This is the case because the record has been so unavailable, certainly not as a comment on the magnitude and magnificence of the music. With its Bennink cover – take that Andy Warhol! – and its two side-long tracks, it is an improvised music aficionado's treasure. Mengelberg and Bennink are joined by Bennink's brother, Peter Bennink, on alto saxophone and bagpipes (!), with an incredible reed section of Evan Parker and Peter Brötzmann, Paul Rutherford on trombone, and Derek Bailey on guitar. Moving from peaks of intensity to droning deescalation, totally improvised live in concert in 1970, Groupcomposing should be heard in the company of related records like Brötzmann's Machine Gun and Nipples, the early London Jazz Composer's Orchestra and Globe Unity Orchestra, and Manfred Schoof's European Echoes. The music is reissued here for the first time as a stand-alone CD, with original album art and an interior salon of never-published period photographs by Gérard Rouy. The first in an ongoing series of ICP reissues on Corbett vs. Dempsey, Groupcomposing restores a classic LP to its rightful place in the canon.