
Soccer Committee "Lamb" [LP]

価格: 3,707円(税込)


Label: Morc Records

遂に個人名義フルアルバムがリリース!!初期音源の復刻や新録にて注目を集めている、常に質の高い弾き語り及びアンビエント作を残してきたシンガーソングライター"Soccer Committee"ことMariska Baars。過去に発表した音源はミニアルバム、またはMachinefabriekとの共作ばかりであり、意外にもこれが初となるフルアルバムをリリース!!最小限のアレンジで最大限のインパクトに成功したというフォークベースの楽曲集で、ある意味純粋なアンビエントとして聴ける傑作。300部限定。





soccer Committee has always been an consistent exercise in restraint, and offering space. And on ‘♥/Lamb’, this approach has been taken to perfection. The arrangements are still minimal, with plenty of time for the tones and melodies to resonate with maximum impact. Mariska Baars still carefully selects each note, and lets the sound evolve with precise care. Her songs are definitely rooted in the folktradition, but at the same time very ‘ambient’, in the true sense of the word.

And still: there’s a bit of a different approach here, compared with her earlier work: some subtle overdubs, acapella pieces and a guest appearance by dutch tapeloopwizard Wouter van Veldhoven.

On ‘♥ / Lamb’, you can feel the unwavering focus of Baars so present that it’s sheer impossible not to focus as a listener yourself. But what makes Baars so otherworldly is her gift to still make it sound comforting and reassuring rather than demanding for attention. ♥ / Lamb is an invitation you’re more than happy to accept.