
V.A "Albania, There Where the Avalanche Stops" [LP]

価格: 2,827円(税込)


Label: Touch - T3311V

英老舗Touchが一度1990年にリリースしていた隠れ名作がLPリイシュー!! 2000人の歌手、ダンサー、ミュージシャン、そして5万人の観客が集まるという、5年に一度一週間に渡り開催されるアルバニア南部の都市ジロカストラの国民的お祭り"Gjirokastra Folklore Festival"。このお祭りの88年の模様を纏めた現地録音集。使用される楽器や演奏方など各地区ごとに異なるスタイルが興味深く、また伝統舞踊やダンス、それを見る観客の拍手喝采等を巻き込んだ現場そのままのサウンドスケープといった趣が非常に良い。



For one week in every five years, two thousand singers, dancers and musicians along with fifty thousand spectators make their way to the small town of Gjirokastra in southern Albania for the Festivali Folkloric Kombelar. In the great castle overlooking the town, they participate in the incredible National Folk Festival of Albania, hoping to attain the highest level of interpretation and win one of the many awards available at the festival… the banner, even. Considering the comparatively small size of the country (just over three million inhabitants) the range of instruments, styles and costumes seen at the festival is exceptional, sustaining a folk tradition that dates back to ancient Illyria. The works presented here in volume one are all live recordings made at the Gjirokastra Festival, taken from six of the twenty-six participating districts: Vlora, Gjirokastra and Lorca from the south, and Shkodra, Debra and Tropoja from the north. The original compact disc, released in 1990, was a collaboration between The Institute of Popular Culture, Tirana, The Albanian Shop Ltd. and Touch. Edited from the original 1/4” tapes, mastered and produced by Touch.