
Pierre Gerard "Minus Modum" [CD]

価格: 1,947円(税込)


Label: No Label

素晴らし過ぎるセルフリリースの虚無録音!!1966年ベルギー出身、本国にてサウンドアート及びエレクトロアコースティックの音楽家として活動、現在までSenufo EditionsやEdition Wandelweiserに音源を残しているPierre Gerard。ギター、エレクトロニクス、物体音を使い完成させた完全なプライベート出版物[Minus Modum] 。試聴の通りサイレンスを上手く利用したまさにヴァンデルヴァイザー派な一枚であり、一音一音を丁寧に絞り出す様な展開に思わず息を呑みます。ジャケットデザインも美しい大推薦タイトル。

pierre gerard : guitar, electronics, object
abstract voice with _ into environment ..

pierre gerard - minus modum (cd, private)

Ever since Francisco Lopez released 'Warsawa Restaurant' in the mid-90s, a work that at minus 40 DBS hoovered at no sound at all, people are still attracted at this very quiet sound. I am not among those who love that silent notion. I just fail to see the point. Of course, I am telling you this, because here we have an example of someone who took a leaf out of the Lopez/Bernard Günter (whatever happened to him?) book (of blank pages, no doubt) and has five tracks made with, according to the cover, "guitar, electronics, object, abstract voice with _ into environment". At first, I thought the sound off, and then I realized the quietness and loaded all five pieces on to my computer made them 0db and listened. Some parts remain very quiet because only a selected number of sounds are 'loud'. And within the already silent pieces, there are more than once bits that are still silent. You guessed it, this is not easy listening music. Maybe I lack the concentration or the Zen spirit for this kind of music, just as I did with the Trente Oiseaux catalogue twenty years ago; or maybe I lack the right playback equipment (and no, I don't use computer speakers, as once a disgruntled musician commented on what he perceived as a bad review); just as I once heard Günter's music in his studio, which I enjoyed then much more, I should visit Gerard in his workplace and hear it over there. So, I think he uses a bit of sine wave-like drones, a few guitar sounds (maybe altogether 5 minutes out of the forty-nine minutes this release lasts), a bit of 'vocal' here and there and throughout a similar drone (?) sort of thing in all five pieces. I am sure I miss the point here.