
Arthur Boto Conley's Music Workshop "Sustainable Skip Storage" [LP]

価格: 2,607円(税込)


Label: Travel By Goods - TBG05

匿名性を重視し、ボイジャー号と共に宇宙に打ち上げられたゴールデンレコードの制作やら、改造ターンテーブルを使用した奇抜なインスタレーション、ミニマルミュージックの探求、更にはテクノプロデューサー、オブジェ作家等、とにかくリスナーをはぐらかす謎に満ちた活動ばかりを行なっている超奇才Thomas Baldischwylerによるアート系プロジェクトArthur Boto Conley's Music Workshop。この作家が運営する特殊物件レーベルTravel By Goodsによるリリース作。なんと本作はジャケット画像を見ての通り、彼のCDコレクションから選ばれた三枚の傷ついたディスク、オーネット・コールマン [THE SHAPE OF JAZZ TO COME]、エリック・サティ [3 GYMNOPÉDIES]、エイフェックスツイン [SELECTED AMBIENT WORKS VOLUME II]のエラースキップをひたすらループ〜ミックスしてしまったという極上の面白物件。尚本作は1サイド仕様となっており、なんと逆サイドにはターンテーブルを用いた本作のインスタレーション風景及び詳細文がエッチングされています。この異質ぶりには本当に頭が下がります。マスト。

"With the prevalence of digital media continuously growing, externalized sites of recollection become ever more insecure. Jean Paul’s aphorism, stating that “memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled,” could be amended by adding, “unless all storage media are destroyed.” The sound-installation SUSTAINABLE SKIP STORAGE, by German artist Thomas Baldischwyler, consists of three Technics SL-1900 turntables, built into a wooden structure and protected by a translucent cover. Baldischwyler selected defective plastic sound media from his collection and had random "skips" from three of the most heavily damaged CDs (Ornette Coleman's THE SHAPE OF JAZZ TO COME, Erik Satie's 3 GYMNOPÉDIES & OTHER PIANO WORKS and Aphex Twins's SELECTED AMBIENT WORKS VOLUME II) cut into one extra-hard acrylic record each. All direct-to-disc recordings ended after twelve minutes, and so the recordings of the reading errors were of equal length. The installation's three record players are equipped with a “repeat” function, and the audio signal is fed through three phono preamps into small desktop speakers. They run continually, except for short breaks to allow for cleaning the styli. The arrangement is embedding the recorded skips into a composition that is continuously updated. This vinyl disc presents the mixdown of the three audio tracks."