
Potemkine "Foetus" [LP]

価格: 3,267円(税込)


Label: Replica Records - RPC037

NWWリスト。Charles & Gilles Goubin兄弟を中心に71年にフランスで結成、 ZEUHL(ズール)系としても知られるプログレッシヴ・ジャズ/ロック・グループPotemkineの76年名作1st [Foetus]。ヴァイオリンとギター、エレピを軸としたシンプルな編成にて、決してハイテンションやドラッギーな展開には持って行かず、メロウ及びリリカルな感触で統一した小気味良い緊張感が続く秀作。時折コンテンポラリー的要素が混じったり、ビックリする様な実験的インストゥルメンタルが登場したりと、良い意味で予想出来ないトラック編成も非常に魅力的。マスト。



Potemkine managed to blend in a very good way the basis of Zeuhl music with its prominent bass role and a lighthearted spirit of fusion with some 20th century contemporary music. They this deviate from the norm of “mainstream” Zeuhl, but they manage to deliver an original sound, making them unique in this scene. Potemkine was formed by three brothers from Toulouse – Charles (guitars, piano, vocals), Philippe (drums and percussions, piano) and Michel (piano, vocals) Goubin. They had taken other musicians to fill in the positions of bass, violin and some drumming and percussions parts. They released their first album Foetus in 1975. This album was more influenced by Magma, though it contained the fusion leniency. In 1977 Triton was released and it featured a more clear inclination towards a fusion sound, but the Zeuhl characteristics are still there (in the bass part, theatrical piano playing and the occasional chanting vocals) and also the chamber music sound that would later appear in Rio originators bands such as Univers Zero. This approach reached its peak in Nicolas II released in 1978 which also marks their last album.