
V.A "Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Africa continent" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Unexplained Sounds Group - USG052

2019年の重要リリース!! 現在も精力的に活動しているアフリカ出身の音楽家だけにフォーカスし新たな現代音楽アンソロジーとして纏め上げた非常に興味深い物件。所謂トラディショナルソング集的なものではなく、本国にてエレクトロアコースティックやコンピュータミュージック、フィールドレコーディング、サウンドスケープを制作している実験作家だけが集められており、その人選はEntr'acteからソロやFrancisco Meirinoと共作も出しているEryck Abecassis以外は無名と言って良い激シブなセレクト。ただ一曲一曲の完成度が本当に凄まじく、アフリカ大陸の新たなスタイルを提示するには十分過ぎる程に濃い一枚です。


African music is as diverse as the topography of the land itself, and is said to be comprised of literally thousands of different styles of music. But many experts of regional music tend to separate African music into two distinct groups: North African Music, which is strongly Arabic and Islamic in nature, and Black African music, or that which is centralized in the Western, Central and Sub Saharan regions of Africa.

So many iconic Western musicians have incorporated African instrumentation, ideas and ideals into their music.And ultimately there is an almost infinite variety of music forms, most of which, on some level, have been produced as a result of African music, or influenced by it. Whether Western instruments have evolved from ancient African models, or whether we have adopted our knowledge in terms of rhythms and cross rhythms, various scalic patterns, and the basic evolution of melody and harmony, Western music undoubtedly owes an immeasurable debt of gratitude to the African peoples for their wisdom, insight and creativity.

During recent decades we've witnessed more and more of the inverse phenomenon, with African musicians absorbing styles and trends developed in Western countries, so that at last the circle has closed. Finally, then, we can embark on our "unexplained sounds" journey into Mother Africa.