ホーム | -----A > Ash InternationalJohann Johannsson & BJNilsen "I Am Here" [LP]

Johann Johannsson & BJNilsen "I Am Here" [LP]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Ash International - Ash 11.1

クラシカルなアンビエントを得意とし幾つもの映画用サントラを手掛けているアイスランドの作曲家Jóhann Jóhannssonが、Hazard名義でもお馴染みのBJNilsenと共に制作した2015年の隠れ名盤サントラ。Touchからの派生レーベルAsh Internationalより2014年にリリース、フィールドレコーディングとオーケストラが絶妙に入り混じる荘厳な風景に、女性ボーカル等も加えつつミステリアスに仕上げた美し過ぎる2パート。Sunn O)))にも参加する女性プレイヤーHildur Guðnadóttirがチェロを担当しています。


Based on the original score for the film “I Am Here” (released in 2015), written and directed by Anders Morgenthaler, starring Kim Basinger, Jordan Prentice and Sebastian Schipper. All music written and produced by Jóhann Jóhannsson and BJ Nilsen.

This was the first collaboration between Jóhann Jóhannsson and BJ Nilsen… very much a mix between their two worlds (you can hear both their signatures) and with the help of additional musicians, including Hildur Guðnadóttir on cello and the remarkable voices of Elfa Margrét Ingvadóttir and Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson, they together create a world of great beauty and mystery.