ホーム | -----S > Spittle RecordsMagazzini Criminali "Crollo Nervoso" [LP + CD]

Magazzini Criminali "Crollo Nervoso" [LP + CD]

価格: 4,257円(税込)
Label: Spittle Records - SPITTLE93

2019年超重要リイシュー盤!! 遂に再発!! 80年代中期から4年間のみ運営、一度停止した後2006年から再始動したイタリアのカルト・ダークウェーブ、EBM、実験音楽レーベルSpittle Recordsの偉業!! イタリアはフィレンツェにて始まった前衛劇団Magazzini Criminaliが80年に残したモダンオペラの超名作記録[Crollo Nervoso]の再発盤。ジャケット裏側にしっかりとクレジットが記されている通り、なんとMiles Davis、Brian Eno、Brion Gysin、Robert Fripp、Billie Holiday、Jon Hassellの音盤を勝手にネタとして拝借し再構築。アヴァンロックやらバロウズ的カットアップ、SF、ボディーアート、ポルノが一緒くたのミックスとなって提示された最高にブッとんだ構成にやられます。この異様な世界観は一度体感すべき。同内容のCDが付属。マスト。




Spittle Records present a reissue of Magazzini Criminali's Crollo Nervoso, originally released in 1980 on black or white vinyl by Italian Records. Magazzini Criminali can be considered one of the most important experiences in Italian post-avant-garde theatre of the '70s and the '80s. Back in 1980 the group gave birth to one their widely acclaimed and most representative works. Crollo Nervoso was a real post-modern opera, a complex and multi-layered work based on the transfer between different art languages and aesthetics. A deep mixture of avant rock, Burroughs's cut up, science fiction, body art, glamor, and a hint of porno. On stage actors move obsessively and creating some highly repetitive sequences that show a clear "rock" approach. Musically, you are in front of a great hybrid where electronics, tribal funk, ambient, and blues interact with actors excited voices and "stolen" fragments from the musical works of Eno, Fripp, Jon Hassell, Miles Davis, and others. More than a pre-plunderphonics kind of work, Crollo Nervoso is a definitive re-invention of the soundtrack concept in relation with text and drama. Crollo Nervoso stands as a unique sound-art object that finally sees the light again in all its multi-sensory eclecticism.